Crinoid Morphology Archives

the 5 most recently submitted of 842 total images

imagetaxonbody partbasinmagcontributor
image Zygometra comata brachial 600.0 Messing
image Zygometra comata brachial 250.0 Messing
image Zygometra comata brachial 60.0 Messing
image Zygometra comata radial 40.0 Messing
image Zygometra comata radial 34.0 Messing

Get the next 5 in archive.

Constructed by: Shanan E. Peters, Edited and maintained by: Tomasz K. Baumiller

Data input: Elizabeth Koury
The University of Michigan, Dept. of Geological Sciences and
Museum of Paleontology